
there he goes again

Confession, yes i lied to you. But it was only to have you.

“There he goes again, the boy I’m in love with

It’s cool we’re just friend”

I know you got a girlfriend,
Another girl
Another girl by your side
Someone who hopefully treats you right
But you don’t know how much I wish I was….
Your girlfriend
You will always a BOY FRIEND

“I wish people could know that other people
 admire them from afar”

She’s expected too much. Yes, know one like her in this holy world. Such a stupid things. She always thinks it everyday. There’s more than meets the eye. The way you talk, the way her heart beats. Are you sure we’re not in love? Or maybe it’s just her feelin’. She always believed what she saw. Until she learned to believe what she feel. She’s afraid. Actually she knew it already. She knew it so impossible. It would never happen to her. Never ever!

That’s why love is madness. It’s too easy to lose your mind when you lose your heart. She always begs to you. “Oh gods~ please stop him. I can’t stand any longer” “I’m begging you please, stop sharing your story, stop talkin bout your fuckin pretty girl”. She appreciates what you did, but would you mind if you not talk about it every single moment we ever spent.

She really hates it. YES! FOR GOD’s SAKE really hate it for sure!
You know what, your ‘thanks’ always hurt her. Every single text and call, you always put your ‘thanks’ and it really hurts. You ignore her, but she likes you. You do nothing, but she falls for you. She misses you, but you’re not thinking about her.
See? life isn’t fair rite T.T

Don’t you realize that this girl always be there for you?
This stupid girl always supports you?
This stupid girl keep motivate you in every single day?
This stupid girl keep listen your story about those fuckin’ pretty girl even her heart torn into pieces? *don’t you realize*

If only I could make him understand
If I never knew you, if I never felt this love before

Stop finding the perfect one!
It’s so impossible. She always hopes that one day you will know. Stop finding the perfect one cause it’s not last forever. Just find ‘the right’ one and make it ‘perfect’. She always hopes that you and her are meant to be.*such a nuts*

Build castles in the air.

You’re the reason why she stays here!

“Every single thing you ever did that bothered me is every single thing I miss”

NO! She tried her best to burst this (love) curse, but HELL yeah, she can’t. She is pretending. Pretend not to love you. Not to heart you. She is hiding her true feeling.The hardest thing of being a friend with someone she loves = she can’t be jealous openly.

The best kind of love is doing what's best for someone else even if it hurts.
Sometimes, we know we can stay away from the pain, but we realize we love those people too much for us to go away

It feels like you or the world will never change. But I've seen you change. It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it’s EVEN tougher to pretend that you don’t mind when you really do. But, don’t worry. She always tried her best. You only lived in her world.

Only when we lose them, we realize how valuable and precious the things that we have owned.
She doesn’t want it happen. She doesn’t want to leave you. That’s why; she still keeps you on her mind. Maybe FOREVER.
That’s what friends are for *she whispered*

There’s nothing wrong in keeping a secret if telling the truth will hurt you

“Forgive me for loving you too much; I’ll forgive

you for not loving me enough”

You are the best damn thing that my eyes have ever seen.
Technically, I’m single. Emotionally, I’m taken cause in my heart, I’ll always be his girl even if he doesn’t know it at all.

re edited by @heyhestyy


there he goes again

Confession, yes i lied to you. But it was only to have you.

“There he goes again, the boy I’m in love with

It’s cool we’re just friend”

I know you got a girlfriend,
Another girl
Another girl by your side
Someone who hopefully treats you right
But you don’t know how much I wish I was….
Your girlfriend
You will always a BOY FRIEND

“I wish people could know that other people
 admire them from afar”

She’s expected too much. Yes, know one like her in this holy world. Such a stupid things. She always thinks it everyday. There’s more than meets the eye. The way you talk, the way her heart beats. Are you sure we’re not in love? Or maybe it’s just her feelin’. She always believed what she saw. Until she learned to believe what she feel. She’s afraid. Actually she knew it already. She knew it so impossible. It would never happen to her. Never ever!

That’s why love is madness. It’s too easy to lose your mind when you lose your heart. She always begs to you. “Oh gods~ please stop him. I can’t stand any longer” “I’m begging you please, stop sharing your story, stop talkin bout your fuckin pretty girl”. She appreciates what you did, but would you mind if you not talk about it every single moment we ever spent.

She really hates it. YES! FOR GOD’s SAKE really hate it for sure!
You know what, your ‘thanks’ always hurt her. Every single text and call, you always put your ‘thanks’ and it really hurts. You ignore her, but she likes you. You do nothing, but she falls for you. She misses you, but you’re not thinking about her.
See? life isn’t fair rite T.T

Don’t you realize that this girl always be there for you?
This stupid girl always supports you?
This stupid girl keep motivate you in every single day?
This stupid girl keep listen your story about those fuckin’ pretty girl even her heart torn into pieces? *don’t you realize*

If only I could make him understand
If I never knew you, if I never felt this love before

Stop finding the perfect one!
It’s so impossible. She always hopes that one day you will know. Stop finding the perfect one cause it’s not last forever. Just find ‘the right’ one and make it ‘perfect’. She always hopes that you and her are meant to be.*such a nuts*

Build castles in the air.

You’re the reason why she stays here!

“Every single thing you ever did that bothered me is every single thing I miss”

NO! She tried her best to burst this (love) curse, but HELL yeah, she can’t. She is pretending. Pretend not to love you. Not to heart you. She is hiding her true feeling.The hardest thing of being a friend with someone she loves = she can’t be jealous openly.

The best kind of love is doing what's best for someone else even if it hurts.
Sometimes, we know we can stay away from the pain, but we realize we love those people too much for us to go away

It feels like you or the world will never change. But I've seen you change. It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it’s EVEN tougher to pretend that you don’t mind when you really do. But, don’t worry. She always tried her best. You only lived in her world.

Only when we lose them, we realize how valuable and precious the things that we have owned.
She doesn’t want it happen. She doesn’t want to leave you. That’s why; she still keeps you on her mind. Maybe FOREVER.
That’s what friends are for *she whispered*

There’s nothing wrong in keeping a secret if telling the truth will hurt you

“Forgive me for loving you too much; I’ll forgive

you for not loving me enough”

You are the best damn thing that my eyes have ever seen.
Technically, I’m single. Emotionally, I’m taken cause in my heart, I’ll always be his girl even if he doesn’t know it at all.

re edited by @heyhestyy











Huaaaaa~!!! I’m so freakin’ happy this year. Two of my BESTIES 

had a bunch of blast this yer~ *fail English* --“


5th april 2011


Such a great surprise for me kan ?

*special thanks to RIAN*

Kalo gag ada rian, mungkin surprise-nya gag bakal sukses. (XOXO) ^^

Walaupun si pitra lagi capek, jauh-jauh datang dari seberang hutan hahahahaa. 
Harusnya kan yang nyamperin kesana itu akuuu, bukan diaaa hahahahha *evil grin*

Hebat dong akuu, bisa bikin dia dateng ke PM buat kasi surprise~ 

Jadi tuh rencana awal, aku pengen ke seberang buat kasi surprise pitra. 
Karena ada acara debate di rektorat sampe sore banget, yaudah deh aku bikin PLAN B *sigh~

Siang sekitar jam 1-an setelah dzuhur aku sms si rian.

Aku: “sampah, telepon aku nah. Penting”

Rian:*gag dibales*

Aku:”ish~ sampah telpon aku nah. Penting banget nih T.T”

Rian: *masih gag dibales*

Aku:”rian baik, telepon aku dong. Penting nih :)

*rian nelpon*

Rian:”apa sampah?”

Aku:” kok baru ditelpon sih ? *muka bête* eh, ntar malem bawa si fitra ke PM yah, kan dia hari ini ulang tahun jadi aku mau kasi surprise”

Rian:*diam sambil he-eh he-eh*

Aku:”jadi ntar sampe PM kmu bawa dia ke tempat kita biasa terus *TUUUUUUUUT* *telepon mati*

Aku:” halo ? Rian ? *tuut tuut tuut* dimatiin teleponnya *dasar gag sopan* T____T

SEBEL~!!! *banting hape* -______-

Malemnya pas jam 7an, aku udah siap nih. Udah mau pigi, tapi kok si rian gag ada kabarnya ? ntar dia malah lupa lagi, jadi aku sms lah dia.

Aku : “ rian, jadi kan ? kamu dimana ?”

Rian:*gag dibales*

Aku: “kebiasaan loh sampah ini! Kamu dimana ? balasss cepat smskuuuuu

Rian:*masih gag dibalas*

Aku suda sebel banget nih. Jadi aku miskol miskol dia teruss pokoknyaa. Akhirnya….

*rian nelpon*

Aku:” HEH! Kamu tuh disms gag dibales lagi. Palak batu loh anak ini. Jadi gag sih ? aku uda mau otw nih, pokoknya harus jadi aku gag mau tau”

Rian:” aku baru bangun, belum juga mandi. Belum sholat juga”

Aku:”astagaaaaaa jam berapa ini sampah ? yaudah kamu mandi dulu sana. Ntar jangan lupa ya kita ketemuan di- *TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT*

*telponnya putus*


/muka bête to the MAX/ >.<

Yaudah, aku percaya aja sama si rian, akhirnya aku ke lembus cari kue sekalian cari lilin juga. Terus otw deh menuju PM. Udah sampe PM, karena rian gag ada kabarnya yaudah aku muter-muter dulu ke ‘naughty’ sekalian cari-cari sesuatu.
Gag lama kemudian, rian sms,

Rian:” weh aku suda sampe, cepat kesini!”

Aku shock banget! HELOOOOOO rencananya itu harusnya aku yang nyampe duluan disituuuuuuu. *dasar sampah dodol* -____-

Yaudah mau gag mau aku harus nyalain lilin deh di dalem. Jadi ada pak satpam tuh lalu-lalang kayak setrikaan rusak. Dia ngeliatin aku gitu.

Satpam:” eh adek gag boleh main korek di dalam sini”

Aku:”bentar doang pak mau nyalaiin lilin”

Satpam:”oh nyalain lilin, pasti cowoknya yang ulang tahun ya ?

Aku:” temen pak” *rumpi deh ini satpam* --“

Satpam:” sini saya bantu nyalain *sambil pegang koreknya sendiri*

Aku:*cepet-cepet pasang lilin terus berdiri* gag perlu pak, saya punya korek sendiri *kabuuuuurr*

Jadi aku nyalain lilin di dalam Mall, tepat di depan starbucks. Dan diliatin sama orang-orang! *maluuu banget deh* ><

Akhirnyaaa, *pasang muka tembok* yaudahh aku jalan menuju tempat biasa. Kayaknya sih, si pitra ngeliat aku di balik pintu. HAHAHA~ gag peduli malu suda akuu itu bawa-bawa kue plus lilin yang nyala-nyala, di dalam MALL pula. HELLOOO~

Finally~ TADAAAAAAAAAAAAA surpriseeeee ;)

Walaupun mukanya pitra datar banget, *emang dasarnya begitu* hihihiii~ sukses lah pokoknya surprisekuu.
Dan thanks juga buat RIAN yang dengan sukses juga bawa pitra ketempatnyaa. Walapun sempet dongkol mampuss *big hug*




29th april 2011

Sukses juga nih surprise-nyaaaaa~
*special thanks to fitra-ssi. Kalo dia gag sms, aku gag bakal pulang cuma buat kasi si arkas surprise*
Hmmmmm~ I know he was VERY surprised. Gag kepikiran dong kalo aku bisa pulang hari itu. *walapun emang awalnya gag niat*
Sempet bête banget pas otw pulang. Lagi di bus nih ceritanya.

Fitra : “ti, kayaknya ntar malem dia gag ada di kos. Dia mau jalan sama *tiiiiiiiiiiiit*”
Aku : WHAT THE @#$%$$%*#^#&%$$&E##
Fitra :”ntar aku pastiin dulu deh”
Aku: “ih! Nyebelin betul orang itu! Kalo tauu ,endingnya begini gag usah pulang aku *muka super bête*
Fitra:”iyaa sabar dulu. Ini masih mau di pastiin”
Aku : *dalem hati* kalo bisa bus-nya ini kusuruh putar balik, sekarang juga ini aku balik ke kosan. Gag usah pulang sekalian.

Jadi dalam perjalanan, yang awalnya lagi asik mikirin rencana surprise-nya, berubah deh jadi diem seribu bahasa *cieeeh*. Yang awalnya excited banget, endingnya jadi boring. Super boringlah pokoknyaa.
Finally~ nyampe deh dirumah. Itu kalo gag salah jam setengah 7 malam. 

Fitra : “ti, dia jalan tuh sama si *tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit*
Aku: “serius ? asem! Jadi gimana ? /bête tingkat akut/
Fitra: “belum ada kepastian nih. Gimana dong ?”
Sangking udah kepalang tanggung, yaudahhhh aku NEKAT se-NEKAT-NEKATNYA
Aku:”udah fit kamu jemput aku sekarang. Bodo amat deh sama dia. kalo emang dia gag ada, kita tungguin sampe dia ada”

So, a few minutes later fitra nyampe rumah. Jadi sepanjang perjalanan dia cerita kalo si arkas gag jadi jalan. *THANKS GOD* /sujud syukur/ hufttt~

Yaudah deh, jadi kita keliling dari beli lilin sampe beli kue. Hehehee
Jadi, ceritanya udah sampe kosannya si botak nih (read:arkas). Si fitra akhirnya masuk ke kamarnya arkas duluan. Jadi aku nih yang sibuk diluar, pasangin lilin sekalian nyalain lilinnyaa. Pas lewat, diliatin sama mas-mas yg ada dikosannya arkas.
Aku masuk terus aku ketok-ketok kamarnya nih.

*sebenernya aku yang surprise loh*
Tau kenapa  ? ahahahhaha~ kaget aja ngeliat kamarnya arkas yang super-duper-sangat-bersih  -_____- *heeheeee*

Yaudah deh, make a wish-tiup lilin-potong kue



So sweet kan ?
Hobi banget deh aku bikin-bikin surprise ke orang J
I wish u all the best lah pokoknyaa yaa ^^
Banyak banget nih sebenernyaa wishes-ku buat kalian berdua, since you are my BEST BESTIES EVER!
Tapi tapi tapi, sangking banyaknya jadi bingung apa aja yang mau ditulis. Yasudahlah yya~ biarkan aja aku yang tau. Yang jelas, selalu dan selalu, pasti banget kalian bedua kudoain yang terbaik dari yang terbaiik x)

Hmmmm~ just want you to know, hope that you all never forget meh ya~!!

Pokoknyaa tetap sayangi aku seperti sekarang kalian sayang sama akuuu /lebay ALERT/ *ihikkss terharu* T.T
HAHAHAHA~~ weirdo :p


P.s kalian masih punya utang traktiran loh ya. Kutagih sampe mati pokoknyaa *evilgrin* >:)

Best regards

hesty~ XOXO